WIPO Services and Initatives Seminar

WIPO Roving Webinar series, a recent initiative aiming at bringing WIPO services and initiatives closer to the stakeholders in developed countries, present the IP tools needed to protect and leverage intangible assets and to grow a business.

The next live session will take place on June 25, 2020, at 10.00 a.m. (Irish Time). 

WIPO experts will cover the main registration systems and services and the webinar will feature the following topics:

·       International intellectual property registration systems

·       WIPO PROOF

·       Alternative dispute resolution mechanisms for IP/technology disputes and domain names

·       IP and technology databases

·       WIPO’s IP portal

The webinar will be held in English and will be free of charge.

If interested please register at https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/1536728435881507088

More information is available on their webpage

WIPO Services and Initatives Seminar
