European Commission Intellectual Property Action Plan 2020

The European Commission has published a roadmap for the IP action plan with a feedback period of five weeks. Feedback will be taken into account for further development and fine tuning of the initiative. The Commission will summarise the input received in a synopsis report explaining how the input will be taken on board and, if applicable, why certain suggestions can’t be taken up. Feedback received will be published on the Commission site. 

About this initiative:

To assume leadership in key industrial areas and improve resilience in times of COVID-19 while making the transitions to a greener and more digital economy, the EU needs to effectively protect and manage intellectual property.

In particular, the proposed action plan aims at:
(1) upgrading our intellectual property system; 
(2) promoting a smart use of intellectual property;
(3) ensuring a better enforcement of intellectual property, and
(4) promoting a global level playing field.

Please use the following link to provide feedback:

Feedback period:

10 July 2020 – 14 August 2020 (midnight Brussels time)
