*Update* Launch of Unitary Patent System

Today, 1 June 2023, marks the entry into force of the Unitary Patent system.

Starting today, users can apply for a single Unitary patent – a European patent with unitary effect - through a single procedure, subject to a single renewal fee in a single currency and litigate under a single legal system before the Unified Patent Court (UPC). The UPC, which also commences its operations today, makes a centralised litigation system for patents a reality and allows users to file cases at the European level. Some Member States, including Ireland, have yet to ratify the Agreement on a Unified Patent Court. In Ireland’s case, a referendum must be held and passed before we can participate.


On the 23rd of January 2024, the Government approved a proposal to hold a constitutional referendum in June on Ireland’s participation in the Unified Patent Court. The referendum is to be held alongside the European and local elections. The Government has also approved the priority drafting of a Bill to give effect to the proposed constitutional amendment.

For more information please see the following link, Referendum on Unified Patent Court announced by Government - DETE (enterprise.gov.ie)
