Payment Options

Methods of payment

Please note that the Intellectual Property Office of Ireland will accept payment of fees by electronic means only.

The following payment options are available:

Online    - fees relating to national Trade Mark and Design applications can be paid when making the application online. Trade Mark renewal fees, Design renewal fees and Patent renewal fees can also be paid online, as well as Patent grant fees and Trade Mark registration fees. All other Trade Mark fees and Design fees can be paid online too. Unfortunately it is not possible to pay other statutory patent fees online until further notice as this functionality is under development. 

By telephone -  our office phones are open Monday to Friday 9.30am to 5pm and offer a card absent payment facility allowing payments by credit or debit card over the phone.

EFT/Bank Details –  if you wish to pay by Electronic Funds Transfer please use the following protocol.

Fees should only be paid in EURO

Please be advised, from the 19 September 2014 the Intellectual Property Office of Ireland no longer accepts payment by cheques/bank draft, postal orders will be accepted.
