Procurement - IPOI
The procurement of supplies and services is carried out in a number of different ways depending on the values involved. Purchasing of goods and services by the Office is conducted using a competitive process and in accordance with the procurement guidelines that can be found on the Office of Government Procurement website - see for more information.
Procurement Opportunities
The Office purchases goods and services (a non-exhaustive list is below) through direct engagement with suppliers or through National Framework Agreements arranged by the Office of Government Procurement (OGP). Further details on National Framework Agreements can be accessed at Office of Government Procurement (OGP). Certain ICT goods and services are purchased by the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment on behalf of the Office.
· Security services
· Cleaning and Facilities Management services
· Certain Utilities e.g. Natural Gas
· Print and Stationery
· Courier Services
· Health & Safety Consumables
· Office Furniture/Equipment
· Communications
· ICT Consumables
· Legal Services
· Certain Specialised Training Services
All property maintenance of our Kilkenny Office is managed by the Office of Public Works (OPW) Property Maintenance Service including office fit-outs, upgrading and refurbishments. See OPW > Estate Portfolio Management for more information.
· For supplies and services below €5,000 (Ex VAT) the Office will typically seek 3 written competitive quotes from suppliers or service providers. Typically, suppliers are selected from public domain sources (for example, Internet searches).
· For supplies and services between €5,000-€24,999 (Ex VAT) the Office will typically seek five written competitive quotes from suppliers or service providers. Typically, suppliers are selected from public domain sources (for example, Internet searches).
· The Office will advertise contracts above €25,000 (Ex VAT) on the Irish Government procurement portal e-Tenders (in accordance with Circular 10/2010 and Circular 10/2014). All award details for contracts valued over €25,000 (Ex VAT) are published on the e-Tenders website on completion of the contract signing. All suppliers are encouraged to register with e-Tenders and are asked to monitor the e-Tenders website on a regular basis to identify tendering opportunities.
· If a contract is above European threshold (currently €135,000 – Ex VAT) it is advertised in the supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union OJEU/TED and also on e-Tenders.
· Tender documents are made available at no cost on e-Tenders and any interested party can obtain them free of charge and submit a tender. The Office will use National Framework Agreements where possible. Suppliers are encouraged to tender for these Frameworks when advertised, by the Office of Government Procurement (OGP). These Frameworks are also advertised on e-Tenders and/or OJEU/TED.
The Intellectual Property Office of Ireland publishes details of payments made for goods and services valued at €20,000 or more. This information will be published quarterly in arrears and can be found by clicking on the below links.
Details of payments made for goods and services costing €20,000 or more